Eruption disruptionKatla volcano Clipart

Iceland Volcano information and drifting ash cloud

Monitoring the Katla Volcano

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Live Webcams of Katla volcano and latest on the katla volcano



Katla Webcam click here


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On next Tuesday, June 5, from noon to almost 7 pm HST, Venus will cross the Sun for the last transit until the year 2117. It's the final time anyone alive today will have a chance to see this rare astronomical event. Bookmark this page for June 5, 2012, when we will be streaming live from the summit of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. Please see below the webstream window for more information about where on the Big Island to safely view the Venus Transit.

Free live streaming by Ustream






Volcano Advisories

Bookmark this page for June 5, 2012, when we will be streaming live from the summit of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. Please see below the webstream window for more information about where on the Big Island to safely view the Venus Transit.

Streaming by Ustream

Click here for side by side thermal and visible camera view

Click Here for Katla camera view


Recorded video of eruptions



Volcano plume forecast data

Side by side view of Volcano Thermal image and visible webcams

Aircraft radar in UK airspace

Web cam views of volcano

More live webcams of Iceland Volcano

Timeline webcam images

These timeline images are added to by the webcam every few minutes.

This is due to the load on the webcam which crashed



Volcano forum

Seismic activity charts iceland

Family & Friends photos of volcano

Awesome photos






The green curve represents the sun activity.

The red and grey columns the largest Earth- quake magnitude of that day

The numbers in the columns stand for the number of Earthquakes above 2.5 on that day

comparison solar activity volcanos and earthquakes

volcanic dust

Volcanos and solar activity

Solar activity and seismic activity volcanos 2

Solar activity and earthquakes

Sun activity and earthquakes & volcanos

2012 and solar activity earthquakes

Sun activity and earthquakes & volcanos

2012 and solar activity volcanoes

Sun activity and earthquakes & volcanos

2012 and solar activity sunspots

Sun activity and earthquakes & volcanos

2012 and sun spot activity & volcanos

Space weather news

Bolivia - South America

Is a super volcano soon to erupt?


Researchers from several universities are essentially working as geological detectives, using a suite of tools to piece together the restive peak's past in order to understand what it is doing now, and better diagnose what may lie ahead.

It's a mystery they've yet to solve.

Uturuncu is a nearly 20,000-foot-high (6,000 meters) volcano in southwest Bolivia. Scientists recently discovered the volcano is inflating with astonishing speed.

"I call this 'volcano forensics,' because we're using so many different techniques to understand this phenomenon," said Oregon State university professor Shan de Silva, a volcanologist on the research team. [See images of the inflating volcano here.]

Researchers realized about five years ago that the area below and around Uturuncu is steadily rising — blowing up like a giant balloon under a wide disc of land some 43 miles (70 kilometers) across. Satellite data revealed the region was inflating by 1 to 2 centimeters (less than an inch) per year and had been doing so for at least 20 years, when satellite observations began.

"It's one of the fastest uplifting volcanic areas on Earth," de Silva told OurAmazingPlanet."What we're trying to do is understand why there is this rapid inflation, and from there we'll try to understand what it's going to lead to."

Scientists figured out from the inflation rate that the pocket of magma beneath the volcano was growing by about 27 cubic feet (1 cubic meter) per second.

"That's about 10 times faster than the standard rate of magma chamber growth you see for large volcanic systems," Perkins told OurAmazingPlanet.

However, no need to flee just yet, the scientists said.

De Silva went on to say "It's not a volcano that we think is going to erupt at any moment, but it certainly is interesting, because the area was thought to be essentially dead".



Volcano plume forecast data

Aircraft radar in UK airspace

Seismic activity charts iceland

The charts to take notice of are the "esk" for Eyjafjallajökull and "hvo" for katla although some seismic activity will be shown in all Live EARTHQUAKE info


The “Ring of Fire” also called the Circum-Pacific belt, is the zone of earthquakes surrounding the Pacific Ocean — about 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur there. The next most seismic region (5-6% of earthquakes) is the Alpide belt (extends from Mediterranean region, eastward through Turkey, Iran, and northern India.

The greatest mountain range is the Mid-Ocean Ridge, extending 64,374 km (40,000 mi) from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, around Africa, Asia, and Australia, and under the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of North America. It has a greatest height of 4207m (13,800 ft) above the base ocean depth.

Subduction is the process of the oceanic lithosphere colliding with and descending beneath the continental lithosphere.






Space weather forecast - effects likely on Earth

Space weather forecast effects on earth

Sunspots current situation

current sunspots

Space Weather Alerts and Warnings Timeline

Space Weather Alerts and Warnings Timeline

Space weather effects on Earth Volcanoes & Earthquakes forecast

Maps - Active Solar Regions

Earth Side View Far Side View
Earth Side View Far Side View
earth side current sunspots far side current sunspots
The solar map above shows the current active region numbers and locations assigned by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Weather Prediction Center. The colored circle below the active region indicates the activity level and hazard potential of an active region. See color coding used (below right). If flares occur in the orange shaded area on the right side of the map, they are more likely to be directed towards Earth. Green marks at top of disk show current position angle or P-angle. P-angle is the tilt of the solar rotation axis to left and right in the plane of the sky. This may be used for orienting view with equatorial mount solar telescope. The farside solar map shows approximate locations of regions on the far side of the Sun (assuming a uniform solar rotation rate). Meridian lines show days until the region might possibly re-appear on the Earth side view of the Sun.
The key code at the right was designed by the NASA Space Radiation Analysis Group to quickly identify hazardous active regions. (Note CME history indicator is not currently implemented).

Sun spots current data



The “Ring of Fire” also called the Circum-Pacific belt, is the zone of earthquakes surrounding the Pacific Ocean — about 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur there. The next most seismic region (5-6% of earthquakes) is the Alpide belt (extends from Mediterranean region, eastward through Turkey, Iran, and northern India.

The greatest mountain range is the Mid-Ocean Ridge, extending 64,374 km (40,000 mi) from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, around Africa, Asia, and Australia, and under the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of North America. It has a greatest height of 4207m (13,800 ft) above the base ocean depth.

Subduction is the process of the oceanic lithosphere colliding with and descending beneath the continental lithosphere.



Due to extra seismic activity at the Katla volcano we are currently seeing an eruption from this volcano in Iceland as iminent so we have now included the katla webcam as this Volcano is much larger than the 2010 volcano

Question is When? Days, Weeks months or years?

Watch the web cam on link below for any activity

Katla live webcam




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